Research and study
Course information.
Here you will find information about Recitation R04 of MAT122. For general information about the course, including
homework assignments and grading policy, see the
MAT122 Webpage or visit
Blackborad. The course coordinator is Eric Malm (emalm@scgp.stonybrook.edu).
Recitation R04 meets on Tuesdays from 2:20pm to 3:15pm at Chemistry 128 (click
for a map).
Instructor's email: disconzi@math.sunysb.edu
Instructor's office: 2-114, second floor of the Mathematics Building (click
for a map).
Office hours.
My office hours are on Tuesdays from 10am to 11am, and Tuesdays from 1pm to 2pm at the
MLC, and on Tuesdays from 4pm to 5pm at my office (2-114, second floor of the
Math Building; don't you know where the Math Bld is? Click
here for a map).
Recall, however, that the MLC is a place for helping students; hence,
you may come to the MLC
time you want and certainly you will find a tutor there to
help you. If this schedule does not work for you, send me an email
(disconzi@math.sunysb.edu) to set up an appointment.
Here are some
important dates:
Midterm 1: Monday, Sep 26, 8:30pm–10pm.
Midterm 2: Tuesday, Nov 8, 8:30pm–10pm.
Final Exam: Thursday,
Dec 15, 8:00am–10:45am, location: Javits 110.
Announcements and extra material.
Here you can
find a list of common mistakes done by students in MAT126. Even though
this seems very simple, make sure you understand the math involved in
order to avoid such mistakes.
Extra Class - Review Session for the first Midterm.
Thursday, Sept 22nd, 6:30pm at room P-131 of the Mathematics Building.
Extra Class - Review Session for the Second Midterm.
Monday, Nov 7th, 7pm at room P-131 of the Mathematics Building.
You may wanna check
this material on the chain rule.
Extra Class - Review Session for the Final.
Tuesday, Dec 13th, 2:20pm, at the same room where we have the recitation.
Special review session, only for people who failed the midterms.
Friday, Dec 9th, 5:30, at room 5-127 (5th floor) of the Mathematics Building.
Anonymous feedback.
Students are encouraged to bring suggestions and to discuss with me any
concerns they may have. But if you don't feel comfortable about seeing
me to discuss anything you think is not being properly handled in the
course, here you have the opportunity to send me some anonymous