Research and study
Course information.
Here you will find information about Lecture 04 of MAT127
- Calculus C. For general information about the course, including
homework assignments and grading policy, see the
webpage. The course
coordinator is Eugeny Gorsky (egorsky@math.sunysb.edu). The graders are
Xiaolong Huan (xiaolhuang@math.sunysb.edu) and Raquel Perales
Instructor's email:
Instructor's office:
2-114, second floor of the Mathematics Building (click
for a map).
Location: Lecture 04
meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:20pm to 6:40pm at Library W4540
for a map).
Single Variable Calculus
(Stony Brook University Edition) by James Stewart and these
notes on Differential Equations.
Office hours.
My office hours are on Tuesdays from 7pm to 8pm at my office (2-114,
second floor of the
Math Building; don't you know where the Math Bld is? Click
here for a map), and Mondays and
Wednesdays from 2:45pm to 3:45pm at the
Recall, however, that the MLC is a place for helping students; hence,
you may come to the MLC
time you want and certainly you will find a tutor there to
help you. If this schedule does not work for you, send me an email
(disconzi@math.sunysb.edu) to set up an appointment.
Here are some
important dates:
Midterm 1: Wednesday,
February 22nd, 8:30pm. Location: Old Engineering 143. It covers
sections 1 through 4 of chapter 8.
Midterm 2: Monday, March
19th, 8:30pm. Location: Old Engineering 143. It covers the remaining of
chapter 8 until 8.7.
Final Exam: Monday, May
14th, location TBA. It covers chapters 7 and 8 and a section on
Extra HW.
For the HW assignment, see the
webpage. Here are some extra exercises that you are encouraged to
try. If you hand these in along with the HW, I
consider them as extra credit at the end of the semester. I.e.,
although no points will be a priori given to these problems, having
done them may boost your grade if by the end of the course you are in a
borderline case. Unless stated otherwise, problems are from the
textbook. Bold numbers indicate the textbook section.
2.5: 23, 26, 28, 30, 32,
4.5: 11, 27, 28, 35, due on
Wed 2/1.
8.2: 15, 25, , 29, 41, 53 due
Wed 2/8.
These problems, due on
Wed 2/15.
These are problems from exams of previous years. All of them are due on
Wed 2/22. Here the assignment:
all problems of
exam; all problems of
exam; and problems 2, 3, 4 and 5 of
exam. If you have time, please try also problems 2,3 and 4 of
exam; problems 1, 2, 3 and 4 of
exam; problems 1, 2, 3 and 4 of
Redo all questions of the First Midterm. Due date
Thu 3/8. You can get a blank copy of
the exam
Redo all questions of the Second Midterm. Do problems 1, 7, and 14 of section 7.1. Due date
Thu 3/29.
Review exercises of chapter 8 (page 628 of the textbook). Concept
check: problems 1 to 12; True or false quiz: problems 1 o 20;
Exercises: problems 1 to 22. Exercises of section 7.1, page 498: 1, 3,
9, 14, 15. Exercises of section 7.2, page 506: 1, 3, 9, 19, 27, 28. Due
April 11th, 9:35am.
7.3: 2, 12, 16, 18, 21, 29, 30, 31, 44, 46, 48. Due on Thu, April 19th, in class.
Announcements and extra material.
Here you can
find a list of common mistakes done by students in MAT127. Even though
this seems very simple, make sure you understand the math involved in
order to avoid such mistakes.
This is a copy of the
2010 Early Exam,
designed to check your knowledge of MAT125 and MAT126. If you have
trouble with these problems, then you need to review the corresponding
material as soon as possible. In doing so, don't forget to make the
most of the MLC and my office hours.
There is a nice set of lecture notes by Gregory Naber, containing
several examples, at:
The relevant chapters for our course are 50 to 59, but you may find
other parts of those lecture notes useful to reivew Calc A and B
You may also find some useful material browsing the MAT 127 webpages
from previous semesters. You can find several of them
And if you can only learn things by seeing tons of examples, you should
have a look at the textbook "Schaum's outline of calculus" (or one of
its variants), which contains more than 1000 problems solved. It can be
in the library or bought by a
price on Amazon.
Sections 8.1 to 8.5 - First Miderm
How come the harmonic series diverges? If you are having trouble
understanding the divergence of the harmonic series, check
this material.
Practice for the first midterm.
On the main
exams from previous years have been posted along with their solutions.
You should try those problems as a practice for the midterm. Also go
over the HW problems, and remember their solutions have been posted as
well (again, check the main
webpage). For problems reviewing more conceptual aspects of the
material, click
here is a summary of
convergence tests.
Extra Class - Review for the first
February 19th, 4pm.
Location: room P-131 in the
Mathematics Building.
February 20th, 7:30pm, again room P-131 of the Mathematics
Remember that review session are based on
student's questions, so review the material and bring your doubts.
Remaining sections of chparter 8 -
Second Midterm Material:
here for some examples from
section 8.5.
here for some examples from
section 8.6.
More examples from 8.6, including a
somewhat common question about changing the dummy index on the
summation sign.
here for some examples from
section 8.7.
Extra Class -
Review for the second midterm!
Friday, March 16th, 6pm.
Location: room P-131 of the Mathematics Building
Sunday, March 18th, 7pm, again
room P-131 of the Mathematics Building.
Third part of the course - Final material.
here for examples of section 7.1.
here for examples of section 7.2 covering the Euler's method.
here for examples of section 7.2 covering the direction fields.
here for examples of section 7.3.
here for examples of sections 7.4 and 7.5.
here for a summary of second order ODEs.
Extra Class - Review for the Final.
Friday, May 11th, 4pm. Location: 4-130 (fourth floor) of the Math Building.
Thursday, May 10th, 1pm. Location: room P-131 of the Math Building.
Anonymous feedback.
Students are encouraged to bring suggestions and to discuss with me any
concerns they may have. But if you don't feel comfortable about seeing
me to discuss anything you think is not being properly handled in the
course, here you have the opportunity to send me some anonymous