Marcelo Mendes Disconzi
Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University

email: marcelo.disconzi at
office: A1017, 17th & Horton (Sony bld)
phone: (615) 322 7147
mail to: 1326 Stevenson Center Ln, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 37240


Marcelo Mendes Disconzi
MAT 155B Fall 12 - Lectures 04 and 13

General Information.
For a description of the course, including the grading policy, consult the course syllabus. Students are responsible for reading the syllabus and being aware of all the course and university's policies. Please check also the extra credit policy.

Lecture 04 meets on Mon-Wed-Fri 11:10am-12:00pm at Stevenson Center 1206. Lecture 13 meets Mon-Wed-Fri 10:10-11:00am at Stevenson Center 5211.

Recitations/Discussion sections are run by William Young (TA). Recitation 05 meets on Thu 8:10-9am at Stevenson Center 1313, Recitation 06 meets on Thu 9:10-10am at Stevenson Center 1313, Recitation 14 meets on Thu 2:10-3pm at Stevenson Center 1120, and Recitation 15 meets on Thu 3:10-4pm at Stevenson Center 1120.

Contact Information and Office hours.
Lecturer's office: Stevenson Center 1222.
Lecturer's email:
Lecture's office hours: Mon and Wed 8:45 to 9:45am, and Mon 1:00 to 2:00pm, or by appointment, at the lecturer's office.
Lecturer's office phone: 322-1998.
General Math Office: Stevenson Center 1326, phone: 322-6672.

TA's office: Stevenson Center 1227J.
TA's email:
TA's office hours: Tue 1-2pm and Wed 1-3pm at the TA's office.

Resources and extra material for Calculus.
There is a nice set of lecture notes by Gregory Naber, containing several examples, at:

If typically you can learn things only by seeing tons of examples, you should have a look at the textbook "Schaum's outline of theory and problems of differential and integrals calculus" (or one of its variants), by Elliott Mendelson, which contains more than 1000 problems solved. It can be found in the library or bought by a reasonable price on Amazon.

Finally, if you struggle with simple algebra, make sure to check this list of common mistakes.


Date and time
Location Remarks
Test 1
Thursday, September 13, 7:00-8:15pm
SC 4309
Covering 6.1, 6.2*, 6.3*, 6.4*, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.8 (6.7 not included).
Test 2
Thursday, October 11, 7:00-8:15pm
SC 4309 Covering 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.8, 8.1 and 8.2 (8.3, 8.4 and 9.3 not included).
Test 3
Thursday, November 1, 7:00-8:15pm
SC 4309 Covering 9.3, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5 (9.4 not included).
Test 4
Thursday, November 29, 7:00-8:15pm
SC 4309 Covering 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 (10.5 and 10.6 not included).
Final exam
Friday, December 14, 7:00-9:00pm
SC 4309 Covering all the material


Extra Class/Review Session for the Final Exam.
Wednesday, Dec 12th,  6pm, at SC 1308.
Here is a quick guide study guide with suggested problems.
Here is a summary of convergence tests.
Click here for a quick review of power series.
Here is a practice final, and here the solutions.

Office hours for the week of the final exam:
Wed (Dec 12) and Fri (Dec 14) 10am-12pm, or by appointment.
No office hours on Monday, Dec 10th.

Extra Class/Review Session for the Fourth Test.

Tuesday, November 27th, 7pm, at SC 1308.
Click here for a practice test. And here for the solutions.
Click here for a quick review of power series.

Extra Class/Review Session for the Third Test.
Tuesday, October 30th, 7pm, at SC 1307.
Click here for a concept-check on sequences and series.
Click here for a practice test, and here the solutions.
Click here for a summary of convergence tests.

Extra Class/Review Session for the Second Test.
Tuesday, October 9th, 7:30pm, at SC 1307.
Click here for a Practice Test, and here for the solutions.

Extra Class/Review Session
Tuesday, Sept 11th, 7pm, at SC 5211.
Click here for a Practice Test, and here for the solutions.

Below is a schedule for the course. This is subject to change, and therefore you should check this webpage frequently. Unless stated otherwise, all problems are from the textbook Calculus, by James Stewart, 7th edition.

Lesson Date Sections Homework problems Remarks
1 Wednesday, August 22 Introduction, Review 1.6: 13,15,21,22,25
1.8: 19,20,21,37,45
2.5:  19,29,35,45,49
2.6: 15,17,31
3.4:  13,19,29,33,35
4.5:  13-29(odd), 35-43(odd),49
Chapter 4 Review: 13,17,21,25,27
Chapter 5 Review: 1,7,11,13,15

2 Thursday, August 23 Recitation Session

3 Friday, August 24 6.1 6.1: 3-11(odd), 20b,23,25,27,31,35c,36c,37c Examples
4 Monday, August 27 6.2* 6.2*: 1-9(odd), 15, 17-43(odd),49,61-73(odd) Examples
5 Wednesday, August 29 6.3* 6.3*: 3-15(odd),23-53(odd), 59, 67,71,81,85,91,95 Examples
6 Thursday, August 30 Recitation Session Quiz
7 Friday, August 31 6.4* 6.4*: 1-9(odd),21-51(odd),57 Examples
8 Monday, September 3 6.5 6.5: 3,4,8,9,10,13,19 Examples
9 Wednesday, September 5 6.6 6.6: 1-14(all), 19,23-33(odd),37,43,45, 59-69(odd) Examples
10 Thursday, September 6 Recitation Session Quiz
11 Friday, September 7 6.7, 6.8 6.7: 1-9(odd), 15,17,31-41(odd), 59,61,63
6.8: 1-31(odd), 41-51(odd)

Assignment, and here the solutions.
12 Monday, September 10 6.8 6.8: 55-65(odd)
13 Wednesday, September 12 7.1 7.1: 3-35(odd), 39,51 Examples
14 Thursday, September 13 Recitation Session

Thursday, September 13
Test 1

Practice Test with solutions.
Here solutions for the test.
15 Friday, September 14 NO CLASS

16 Monday, September 17 7.2 7.2: 3-41(odd) Examples
17 Wednesday, September 19 7.3 7.3: 1-17(odd), 18,21-26(all),28,29 Examples
Assignment 2
Solutions to Assignment 2
18 Thursday, September 20 Recitation Session Quiz
19 Friday, September 21 7.4 7.4: 1-7(all), 9,11,15-20(all) Examples
20 Monday, September 24 7.4
7.4: 21-51(odd)
7.5: 1-23(odd), 29,33,39,41,45,49,56,57,63,65,71,75
More examples
21 Wednesday, September 26 7.8 7.8: 5-25(odd) Examples
22 Thursday, September 27 Recitation Session Quiz
Friday, September 28 7.8, 8.1 7.8: 27-37(odd),49-54(all)
Monday, October 1 8.1, 8.2
8.1: 1-13(odd), 18, 8.2: 1-15(odd), 25 Examples
25 Wednesday, October 3 8.3 8.3: 3-13(odd)
26 Monday, October 8 8.3, 8.4 8.3: 23-33(odd), 8.4: 3,5,7,9,13,16,17 (optional)
Assignment 3
27 Wednesday, October 10 9.3 9.3: 3,5,7,13,15,17,19,21,31,39 Examples
28 Thursday, October 11 Recitation Session

Thursday, October 11 Test 2

Practice test, and here its solutions.
Solutions to the test.
29 Friday, October 12 NO CLASS

30 Monday, October 15 9.4, 11.1 9.4: 3,7,11,17,19, 11.1: 1-55(odd),73 Extra credit assignment
31 Wednesday, October 17 11.2 11.2: 1-41(odd) Examples
32 Thursday, October 18 Recitation Session Quiz
33 Friday, October 19 11.2 11.2: 43-47 (odd), 51-63(odd) Class summary
34 Monday, October 22 11.3 11.3: 1-29(odd) Examples
Class summary
Concept check
35 Wednesday, October 24 11.4 11.4: 1-31(odd) Examples
Class summary
36 Thursday, October 25 Recitation Session Quiz
37 Friday, October 26 11.5 11.5: 3-19(odd) Examples
38 Monday, October 29 11.6 11.6: 5-23(odd) Examples
Assignment 4
Solutions Assignment 4
39 Wednesday, October 31 11.7 11.7: 1-37(odd) Post-test assignment
Here the solutions.
40 Thursday, November 1 Recitation Session

Thursday, November 1 Test 3

Practice Test, and here the solutions.
Summary of convergence tests.
Test Solutions.
41 Friday, November 2 NO CLASS

42 Monday, November 5 11.8 11.8: 1-29(odd) Examples
43 Wednesday, November 7 11.9 11.9: 3-17(odd), 25 Examples
More examples
44 Thursday, November 8 Recitation Session Quiz
45 Friday, November 9 11.10 11.10: 5,9,13,17,19,27,33,35,49,57,59,63 Examples
46 Monday, November 12 10.1 10.1: 3,4,7,9,13,15,17,21,24,33 Examples
47 Wednesday, November 14 10.2 10.2: 1-19 (odd),25,29,31,37,39,41,57,61 Examples
48 Thursday, November 15 Recitation Session Quiz
49 Friday, November 16 10.3 10.3: 1-17(odd),25,29-45(odd) Examples
50 Monday, November 26 10.4 10.4: 3-11(odd),19-33(odd), 41,45,47 Examples
51 Wednesday, November 28 10.5 10.5: Do the extra credit problems Extra Credit Assignment
52 Thursday, November 29 Recitation Session

Thursday, November 29 Test 4

Practice Test, with solutions.
Click here for a quick review of power series.
Test solutions.
53 Friday, November 30 NO CLASS

54 Monday, December 3 10.6 10.6: Do the extra credit problems Extra Credit Assignment
55 Wednesday, December 5 Review for final

56 Thursday, December 6 Review for final

Friday, December 14 Final Exam

Here is a quick guide study guide with suggested problems.
Here is a summary of convergence tests.
Click here for a quick review of power series.
Here is a practice final, and here the solutions.

Anonymous feedback.
Students are encouraged to bring suggestions and to discuss with me any concerns they may have. But if you don't feel comfortable about seeing me to talk about something you think is not being properly handled in the course, here you have the opportunity to send me some anonymous feedback.